If you need housing now
ARCH by HomeScreen can help through our nonprofit partners. We do not provide housing location services, housing subsidies, or case management directly to consumers.
If you are facing eviction or homeless please reach out to:
Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis - 314-615-3644 or housingcounseling@urbanleague-stl.org
St. Patrick Center - 314-802-0700
If you need legal assistance, please reach out to
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri can help with housing habitability issues for tenancy, as capacity allows. Complete the form linked above or call 800-444-0514 or 314-534-4200.
New Covenant may also be able to provide legal assistance.
If you are looking for information, but not legal representation, contact MO Tenant Help or Tenants Transforming Greater St. Louis, their hotline number is 314-252-8356.
If you are in need of other services, like access to food, health care, or employment
visit United Way 211 or call 2-1-1
apply for Park Central’s Community Resource Counseling program